Friday Fictioneers: The Toilet Paper Caper

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who provides us with a photo prompt. Each week’s challenge is to write a 100-word story inspired by the photo. Click here to play along or just read more stories.

PHOTO PROMPT © Trish Nankivell

The Toilet Paper Caper

Barry and Allen scanned the gaps below the stall doors.

“It’s clear. Go!” Barry said.

Allen’s job was to steal the toilet tissue, which in public restrooms more resembles paper, sandpaper.

Allen burst through the first door and paused. “Uh… Barry? There’s more security in here than in our apartment.”

Barry, who was keeping watch, peeked in. “Pick the lock.”


“O.K.… Uh… Unroll them.”

Allen unrolled each roll and shoved the wads into his backpack. The pair casually ran to the parking lot where Barry’s car was no longer waiting.

“The toilet paper was more secure than your car.”

30 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: The Toilet Paper Caper

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  1. If I had to choose between walking and having something to wipe with or driving and not, I’d choose the former. They came out ahead on that one. Funny story.

    Your pups are looking so lubby dubby and cute in the pic.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. LOL. This reminds me of King’s Last Gunslinger series where paper was in really short supply (a writer’s worst nightmare, I’m sure.) Imagine if there were … no more toilet paper. Unfortunately, a lot of people have low morals and high imaginations of late. If only we could put that same energy into caring for other people and our planet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In times of great need, it pays to have low morals and high imaginations. I agree that if we used that energy for better purposes the world would be a much better place. Thank you.


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