Friday Fictioneers: Pink Nightmare

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who provides us with a photo prompt. Each week’s challenge is to write a 100-word story inspired by the photo. Click here to play along or just read more stories.


Pink Nightmare

Elaine loved the sea. Riding his bike through the marina, Hector knew he found the perfect birthday present for her. He didn’t care that it was October, and her birthday was in May. He hopped off his bike, had a little laugh about the pink nightmare scene in A Christmas Story… God, it was pink… and dialed the number.

It took some doing, but Hector got a loan. Keeping it secret was the hardest part. Hector was unpracticed in the art of deception. He and Elaine had no secrets.

Elaine loved the boat. Dumping bodies had never been so easy.

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