Friday Fictioneers: Her Name Was Bitch

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who provides us with a photo prompt. Each week’s challenge is to write a 100-word story inspired by the photo. Click here to play along or just read more stories.

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

Her Name Was Bitch

Her name was Bitch.

She was his whore, whether she wanted to be or not. He broke her down physically and mentally. Her imprisoned soul had no refuge. She cried out for help, but none came.

She found the strength to leave, to live within herself.

She slowly found her voice and her art again. One day, she’ll find her heart again. The struggle’s lifelong, but someday she will learn to love herself and trust again.

Her soul’s the most beautiful a heart can see.

Her name was Bitch. Now, her name is Queen, the scarred, the strong, the loved.

This song introduced my mom to 2Pac, which paved the road for me to get into Hip-Hop.

21 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Her Name Was Bitch

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  1. Her soul is beautiful and not defined by the names put upon her but, she does not need to be Queen to be healed. She can be just a plain, ordinary person, giving and receiving love, making mistakes and creating beauty. Her soul is full of all the purpose and promise of being human. I expect there are women who may read your words and relate. I write this comment for them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. She doesn’t have to be a Queen to break free and heal, but breaking free and healing makes her a Queen. I hope not too many women relate. It’s a horrible thing to relate to. Thank you for the input and expansion.


  2. Love this. It takes a particular strength to get out and recreate one’s self. I love 2pac – my son loves the old style rap and when his friend died two years ago (22 years old 😦 ) The six friends brought his casket into the chapel with “Life Goes On” playing… Heartbreaking.

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    1. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be in that situation, break free, and then heal from it. Thank you.

      That’s awesome! I didn’t expect anybody in FF to even know who Pac was. You raised your son right. That part about his friend dying at 22 is not so awesome. That’s horrifically heartbreaking.


  3. More men need to speak out about treating women well and calling out men whenever they diss females. As long as patriarchy rules and the institutions refuse to enforce existing laws that protect women and children, the legacy of abuse and exploitation continues. I wasn’t going to read your story because of the title but dayum homey I’m glad I did.

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    1. I’ll bring that up at the next man meeting. You’re right though. We all need to be more unified as human beings and stand up for anyone who isn’t being treated right.

      You can’t judge a story by its title. I knew the title would be a deterrent for some. As the story formulated, that was the title, and it would not be changed.

      Thanx, homey. 🤣

      Liked by 2 people

  4. She’s survived a horrific, abusive situation and it’s formed character and strength in her. It’s difficult to show such transformation in 100 words, but you’ve done it well.

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